
Hotels In Digha: My Personal Experience

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Digha is one of the best places for people who are residents of Kolkata.

They visit this place every weekend for holidays.

I visited this place in 2019. That was my first trip to Digha.

Till now I have visited more than 5 times. The number will continue to increase in the coming days. 

What I like about Digha is that they are developing day by day.

If you had come before 10 or 15 years ago. You may hardly find anything that can mesmerize you.

The hotels in Digha are growing very fast.

If we talked about 1-star to 5-star hotel or any guest house.

Hotels in Digha are one of the best examples of its improving infrastructure. 

You may find the best hotels in Digha at reasonable prices.

I have visited Neel Samudra Hotel, Venus Hotel, Iconic Hotel, and SunFlower Guest House. It was an amazing experience during those trips to Digha.

The numbers will grow in the coming month and a year.

I am still planning to visit some of the best Hotels in Digha which is situated near New Digha sea beach. 

Let me share with you about my Hotel experience in Digha:

Hotels in Digha Till Date

I have experienced 4 hotels in Digha during my vacation to date. The number will increase whenever I visit Digha.

1) Neel Samudra

This was the first hotel that I visited on my first trip to New Digha along with my family.


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